Από το μπλογκ του Βαγγέλη

Τα χαμένα σκυλιά

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OTHELLO & ANNABELLE have been missing from their home in Lahania since two days.
OTHELLO is tall, black except from a small white spot on his chest. ANNABELLE is medium sized, brown/white.
They can be as far away as Kiotari, they’ve done it before. They must be hungry and exhausted and you can be sure they will be happy to come back home.
They are friendly and most probably will come if you call them. If you happen to see them, please call 6944 55 68 09 or 6947721499

Κείμενο-φωτογραφία-επεξεργασία: Βαγγέλης Παυλίδης
Vangelis Pavlidis
Φαινόμενο του Θερμοκηπίου – Greenhouse effect, του Βαγγέλη Παυλίδη
Το σύνδρομο του κάουμπόυ, του Βαγγέλη Παυλίδη
Η μάνα μου η Ειρήνη, του Βαγγέλη Παυλίδη

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