Ανοιχτή πόρτα

The Impenitent Thief! – Ο Αμετανόητος Ληστής!, του Γιώργου Σαράφογλου-George Sarafoglou

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Ο Γιώργος Σαράφογλου είναι σκιτσογράφος-γελοιογράφος και επιχειρηματίας. Διαβιεί στην Νέα Υόρκη. George Sarafoglou is a political cartoonist and businessman. He lives in New York City.


Impenitent thief

Crucifixion by Hans von Tübingen showing Saint Dismas the Good Thief on Christ’s right (the left of the picture), and Gestas the Impenitent Thief on Christ’s left with a devil. Depictions of the crucifixion of Jesus often show Jesus’ head inclined to his right, showing his acceptance of the Good Thief.

In apocryphal writings, the impenitent thief is given the name Gestas, which first appears in the Gospel of Nicodemus, while his companion is called Dismas. Christian tradition holds that Gestas was on the cross to the left of Jesus and Dismas was on the cross to the right of Jesus. In Jacobus de Voragine’s Golden Legend, the name of the impenitent thief is given as Gesmas. The impenitent thief is sometimes referred to as the “bad thief” in contrast to the good thief.

«Exarchia Power, Α.Ε.», του Γιώργου Σαράφογλου
Ο “Ανεύθυνος Υπεύθυνος”! (“The Irresponsible Responsible”!), του Γιώργου Σαράφογλου-by George Sarafoglou
Αρετή Σαρή: “Με τον Φώτη Χατζηδιάκο ως αποτέλεσμα εκτίμησης σε προσωπικό και πολιτικό επίπεδο”

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