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Roger Moore I miss you!, by George Sarafoglou [του Γιώργου Σαράφογλου]

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Γιώργος Σαράφογλου

Γιώργος Σαράφογλου


Great actor! First saw him in “The Saint” in the early 60s in Nigeria from all places! He was our hero. Besides his Bond movies, he also starred in a tv series “The Persuaders” with Tony Curtis. We lived in Boston then and remember waiting every week to watch it. The plot had to do with 2 partnering private eyes solving crimes in cosmopolitan European cities. Roger Moore was the true British gentleman – always dressed impeccably – and Tony Curtis the casual-dressed American. They truly made an incredibly fun and adventurous duo! And of course I enjoyed all his James Bond movies where I think he embodied the true prim-and-proper British spy!Roger Moore I miss you!

* Το άρθρο απηχεί τις απόψεις του συντάκτη του.

The article expresses the views of the author



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