Εγώ παίζω πιάνο
είπε ένας
εγώ, παίζω βιολί
είπε άλλος εγώ παίζω άρπα,
εγώ το μπάντζο,
εγώ το τσέλο,
εγώ πίπιζα,
εγώ φλάουτο,
εγώ καστανιέτες.
Και μιλούσαν μιλούσαν
μιλούσαν για το τι έπαιζαν.
Δεν ακούγονταν μουσική
όλοι μιλούσαν
κανείς δεν έπαιζε
μα στη γωνιά κάποιος έμενε σιωπηλός:
“Κι εσείς, κύριε, που δεν μιλάτε
τι όργανο πάιζετε;”
τον ρώτησαν οι μουσικοί.
“Εγώ παίζω το όργανο”
είπε ο άνθρωπος που μέχρι τότε
δεν είχε πει τίποτα
κι ύστερα προχώρησε
κι έπαιξε το όργανο
κι η μουσική του ήταν τόσο αληθινή
και τόσο ζωντανή και ωραία
που η κόρη του οικοδεσπότη
βγήκε κάτω απο το πιάνο
όπου βαριεστημένη κοιμόταν
και είπε:
“Εγώ έχω παίξει σχοινάκι
έχω παίξει κουτσό
έχω παίξει με κουβαδάκι
έχω παίξει κυνηγητό
έχω παίξει μπάλα
έχω παίξει μ΄ένα ομπρελίνο
έχω παίξει κλέφτες
κι αστυνόμους
μα αυτά τέλειωσαν τέλειωσαν τέλειωσαν
τώρα θέλω να παίξω με τον οργανίστα
το όργανο.”
Jacques Prevert – διασκευή Β.Π.
Me, I play the piano
said one
me, I play the violin
said another me the harp,
me the banjo
me the cello
me the bagpipes,
me the flute
and me, a rattle.
And they talked talked
talked about what they played.
No music was heard
everyone talked
talked talked
and no one played
but in a corner one man remained silent:
“And you, Sir, who remain silent and say nothing,
what instrument do you play?”
the musicians asked him.
“Me, I play the barrel organ”
said the man who until now
had said absolutely nothing
and then he advanced
and played the barrel organ
and his music was so true
and so lively and so pretty
that the daughter of the house’s owner
came out from under the piano
where she lay bored to sleep
and said:
“Me, I played hoop
ball, chase
I played hopscotch
I played with a pail
I played with a parasol
I played cops
and robbers
but that’s over over over
I want to play the barrel organ with the organist.”
Jacques Prevert -adaptation V.P.
said one
me, I play the violin
said another me the harp,
me the banjo
me the cello
me the bagpipes,
me the flute
and me, a rattle.
And they talked talked
talked about what they played.
No music was heard
everyone talked
talked talked
and no one played
but in a corner one man remained silent:
“And you, Sir, who remain silent and say nothing,
what instrument do you play?”
the musicians asked him.
“Me, I play the barrel organ”
said the man who until now
had said absolutely nothing
and then he advanced
and played the barrel organ
and his music was so true
and so lively and so pretty
that the daughter of the house’s owner
came out from under the piano
where she lay bored to sleep
and said:
“Me, I played hoop
ball, chase
I played hopscotch
I played with a pail
I played with a parasol
I played cops
and robbers
but that’s over over over
I want to play the barrel organ with the organist.”
Jacques Prevert -adaptation V.P.