Πηγή εικόνων: Βικιπαίδεια.
The Empress Zoe mosaics (11th-century) in Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey) Christ Pantocrator is seated in the middle. On his right side stands emperor Constantine IX Monomachos; on his left side, empress Zoe.
Comnenus mosaics Hagia Sophia
Byzantinischer Mosaizist um 1118 002
Constantin 1er – détail de la mosaïque de l’entrée sud-ouest de Sainte-Sophie (Istanbul, Turquie)
Imperial Gate mosaics in the former basilica Hagia Sophia of Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) The emperor Leo VI the Wise is bowing down before Christ Pantocrator. In medallions: on the left of Christ, the Archangel Gabriel; on his right, Mary.
Byzantinischer Mosaizist des 9. Jahrhunderts 003
Byzantinischer Mosaizist des 12. Jahrhunderts 001
Byzantinischer Mosaizist des 12. Jahrhunderts 001
Deesis mosaic (13th-century) in Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey)
Mosaic icon up to the Hagia Sophia entrance